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What's Gonna Be Awesome In 2012?

Ahh 2011, it was a great year in games, maybe the best, and I'm still sort of hoping to somehow figure out a way of doing a Game Of The Year podcast relatively soon, but until I can figure it out I don't wanna do too much Game Of The Year stuff. So I ask myself, what can I write about at the start of a new year if not to say how good last year was? Well, with my brain firing on all cylinders, I managed to figure it might be okay to write about how good THIS year might be! Woo!

Neverdead and Asura's Wrath

Games that are batshit crazy are hard to come by. Last year had Saints Row: The Third (which I am unfortunately yet to play) and Shadows Of The Damned which, combined, certainly did a great job of keeping crazy alive in 2011, and 2012 looks to be just as crazy, if not moreso! Both Neverdead and Asura's Wrath dial up the crazy to 11 then run with it to a splendid degree I can't help but look forward to. Neverdead centres around a demon hunter who cannot die (as the title sorta suggests) and can use that to his advantage by, for example, ripping his head off and throwing it at people... which, if I'm able, will be all I do in that game. Asura's Wrath follows the tale of a demi-god who awakens after being frozen on earth. Supposedly he's the kind of demi-god that all the other gods are afraid will murder the shit out of them, so the game will entail kicking the fuck out of massive bosses, and when I say massive, I literally mean bigger than planet Earth. Both games come out in February so it's entirely possible I'll burn out on crazy pretty early on in the year, but I can't wait to fight a continent-sized index finger or throw my own head at a gaggle of evil demons. Bring it on!


Asura's Wrath









I Am Alive

I love games with a new and unique idea.... I Am Alive isn't necessarily that, but it does take a brand new approach to an already existing idea, that is fascinating. In I am Alive you take the role of a surviver of an apocalyptic event. Unlike in a Fallout, humanity is all but extinct, with the few pockets of mankind you find either near death or out to mug/kill you. Your character wanders around destroyed cities scavenging for supplies to either help other survivors or to hoard for yourself... I presume. Here's where my argument for the game falls apart somewhat, because I'm not 100% sure how the game will play. In my mind it's a given that you can choose to be a post-apocalyptic douchebag or not, but for all I know there are no choices in the game at all. It could be a completely linear experience, but from what I've seen of the game I'm almost certain that won;t be the case. I wanna parkour around a decrepit cityscape and rummage around in the rubble for medical supplies or a weapon, because I haven't had that feeling of isolation since Metroid Prime on the Gamecube. It's a feeling I like, it's a feeling I want again.

I Am Alive


Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Resident Evil 5 got alot of stick, it was Resident Evil 4 with an emphasis on co-op and if you didn't play the game with a friend you probably had a somewhat more diminished experience than I did. I played the entire game sat side-by-side with my best mate, levelling up our guns, tackling weirdly mutated bosses, simultaneously kneecapping infected African natives and slitting their throats in equal measure, and we loved every second. For me, I've not had my fill of that Resident Evil 4/5 style of third-person action, though I definitely see why they would attempt to change up their formula following the backlash they received. Operation Raccoon City takes place during the events of Resident Evil 2 and looks to be based around 2 teams battling against each other to complete an objective, all the while being swarmed by zombies. The game seems to be close to a first-person shooter, which has me worried, but intrigued. I look forward to seeing Leon Kennedy again, and to shooting Ada Wong in the face.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City


E3 2012

E3 is always something to look forward to, but this years should be filled with awesomeness. On the bigger side of things Wii U will have it's first proper showing outside of tech demos (so expect some Hd Mario and Zelda!) and Valve have promised "something with a 3 in it", which for those keeping count could mean Portal 3, Half Life 3, Half Life 2: Episode 3 or Left 4 Dead 3.... any of which would be awesome! Also on the cards are Halo 4, and I would expect all the games we saw revealed at the VGAs, like Fortnite, The Amazing Spiderman and The Last Of Us. Can't wait!

Wii U


Bioshock Infinite

I wasn't a fan of Bioshock. Admittedly I didn't play more than a few hours of it, but what I played I disliked. The guns felt shit, the powers weren't cool enough and the constant first person felt forced, instead of the natural way the game should be experienced. Bioshock Infinite looks... well... the same, but in the sky... so basically I couldn't give a fuck about the game, but I'm sure it'll have hundreds of critics singing it's praises, I'll just be surprised if I'm one of them.

Bioshock Infinite


Darksiders 2

The original Darksiders was awesome. It came out of nowhere and was pretty much the best non-Nintendo Legend Of Zelda ever made. It had a kick ass concept and executed on it brilliantly. To sum the game up: The apocalypse is triggered prematurely, as part of an evil plan, but something goes wrong and 1 of the Four Horsemen (basically the infinitely powered lawkeepers of the apocalypse) gets summoned. He's sapped of his powers and has to regain his former strength whilst also kicking the ass of both angels and demons, whilst they also fight amongst themselves. In the first game you played as War, and in Darksiders 2 we'll play as Death. I expect more of the same, and it's gonna be awesome!

Darksiders 2


Mass Effect 3

It's only a few months away and I've saved it until last for a reason. The end to the epic Shepard storyline in the Mass Effect universe, and what I assume to be the climactic end of the Reapers, the universe ending race of machines. What's going to be so great about the game isn't seeing how Shepard's story ends, but how MY Shepard's story ends. My Shepard is almost definitely different to yours, and yours is different to your friends... Hell, your Shepard might not have even survived the events of Mass Effect 2! It's going to be the most exciting game event for me I can personally remember, and is almost definitely my game of the year for 2012 already. Wow, I've honestly got chills just thinking about it!

Mass Effect 3


Reader Comments (2)

How can you not be looking forward to Bioschock, it's amazing and look at those cartoon tits for fuck sake! :D

February 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLuke D

Lol, cartoon tits indeed. I just really, REALLY didn't like the first one, ans the problem is that everyone else on the planet did... which means it's likely this will feel and handle very similarly. It's a shame but it's just my personal taste.

February 9, 2012 | Registered CommenterGaZZuM

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